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Pastoral Curriculum

The Pastoral curriculum

The school understands that as students develop into adulthood, they will form a multitude of different and sometimes complex relationships. The pastoral curriculum is designed to help students interpret and evaluate these relations and to support students in making safe, positive choices for themselves and when supporting others. Through the pastoral curriculum, students learn to identify when they, or another person, may need help, where or who to go to in such circumstances and coping mechanisms to manage on-going moments of difficulty.

By introducing students to the challenges faced by some members of our community and in wider society, the pastoral curriculum also seeks to imbue in students the values of mutual respect and tolerance, as well as to ensure that inclusivity, diversity and equal opportunities are celebrated and that students know how to appropriately challenge in society instances that are not aligned to these values.  In this way, the pastoral curriculum ensures that all students feel they are valued and supported both in and outside of the school community, but also that they have the responsibility of helping others to feel the same way.    

The pastoral curriculum therefore supports students to learn the emotional intelligence and resilience that are required to make an active and responsible contribution to school life and that they develop the necessary strategies to continue such positive contributions to wider society as adults.

Assembly and Form Time Programme - Monday morning Period 1

The Sixth Form pastoral curriculum is led by the Tutor Team and Heads of Year 12 and 13 in a timetabled assembly programme and timetabled lesson every Monday morning.

These sessions are bespoke to the needs of our school community and have included workshops from external agencies such as Solace on healthy relationships. Students are encouraged to find their voice and develop opinions on current affairs and global issues through planned debates and discussions. Students also lead on celebrating equality and diversity through the calendar of celebration events such as Black History Month. Finally, working with external partners including CAMHS and King’s College London the Sixth Form offers an extensive range of emotional and mental health support for students.

"Highbury Fields don't see you as a number, but a person, they will care and look out for you"

Year 13 student